Monday, November 12, 2012

早晨,当自己把双眼睁开,那瞬间有了改变。揉了揉双眼,突然觉得自己好像刚从一场很长很长的梦中醒来。这一年仿佛活在梦中,这一年的回忆有很多。有的悲伤,有的快乐,有的难过,有的喜乐。 过了这年, 可能变好了,可能变坏了。我不知道。 可能做对了,可能做错了。我不知道。 可能很开心,可能很伤心。我不知道。 可能长大了,可能变傻了。我不知道。 可能害了人,可能益了人。我不知道。 可能改变了,可能没改变。我不知道。 可能回久了,可能变新了。我不知道。 发现自己什么都不知道了, 但无所谓, 因为都不重要了。 现在。。。惟有可以做的是。。。 活下去了。 When I wake up in the morning, there's a change. I feel like I just woke up from a very very long dream. This year, my life seems like a dream. There are moments that are happy, there are moments that are sad. So many things has happened. Maybe I've changed, maybe not. Maybe I'm happier, maybe not. Maybe I did well, maybe not, Maybe I helped someone, maybe not. So many maybe-s, so many unknowns. What is right, what is wrong? What is true, what is false? What is real, what is fake? I don't know anything anymore. But it doesn't matter. Because it isn't important anymore. I no longer seek the truth. I no longer long for anything. Now, I'm just going to live. I'm just going to continue living my life. A life that is short, a life that will soon... fade away.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

why does clever ppl always say lame stuff?

why does clever people always say lame/no-link stuff?
It is not that the stuff they said is lame or no link it is simply because normal people fail to find the link and find the sense...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

first step, holding on, letting go

1st step, holding on, letting go... which is worse?
1st step is terrible because you don't know what you are going to meet, or maybe it is because it's the first time, you don't have experience of sort.
Holding on is terrible because you might get hurt doing it and you need to struggle to hold on to it. You might need to sacrifies a lot for it. It hurts.
Well, letting go? It means that take off the burden or whatever it is that you were holding on and move on. It means that you could no longer do anything about it. Is that a good thing? for me not really, i prefer struggling to hold on to it than letting it go. Because at the end of the day at least i could comfort myself by saying, I've done what I could, but it just didn't work.
I prefer taking the 1st step because at least it may turn out to be good.
But letting go, it means that I choose to let it go, i choose to not help anymore. Normally, people will only hold on to the things that they want, they love. Letting it go means that you are letting something you once love or wanted go and leave it to fate. Is that not terrible?

Monday, November 2, 2009

this is the first time is celebrating hallowin. Due to the lighting it isnt possible to take any pictures. Thus i only take pictures after the event, i mean after dinner, while we were walking back home. i considered some of the photo WONDERFUL! I'll try to upload it here and to facebook if the connection show positive signs. Cheers.

Friday, October 23, 2009

long long weekend

Gone back to my hometown. There's this two feeling, upset and happy, trying to be upon each other, battling for the victory. im exhausted and the mixed feelings is making it worse. Terrible... Oww, maybe forgettin my passport isnt a bad thing at all. At least it make me forget about things for a few precious minutes. My goal for this long and terrible weekend is to do something useful. For the past holidays all i did was slack. And i'm gonna break the record this time. Let's hope that im up to it... happy long terrible weekend...

Monday, October 12, 2009


There you are Scarlet my dear
Here you are and nothing I’ll fear
Never leaving you had said so clear
And I trust you that’s for sure
The clouds gathered, the rain shattered
You rushed into the room, dissolved my doom
You leap in bed and sang me a tune
You held my hands and dragged me to school
Sat next to me so I won’t go blue
Whispers exchanged, notes passed by
Just to get me awake and my eyelids light
They stare, they pointed and commented on me
Look at that girl, she look so lonely and mean
I don’t care, a thing that they say
As long you are here, I’ll be ok.
Chaos, sadness, regret or despair
All had faded when your kind smile appeared
But the day, mom ask for the friend’s that I have
I turned and found you had left
You left me alone staring a far
Right after mom cried and said that my name was Scar.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Brightest thing on earth

A teacher ask, "What is the brightest thing on earth?"
Many answered, nuclear explosion. The teacher smiled but didn't not respond.
A student stood up and said, "When you are in a rainy dark night , and you suddenly saw light..."
Everyone in class was quiet.

hope was the brightest thing on earth. With hope,everything is bright. With hope, you feel bright, with hope, you are bright. So don't lose hope in yourself, remember, everyone needs to go through some bad things. Have hope and it will end.
Just like the day and night. If you manage to stay alive all night, you will be able to see the sunrise, you will be able to see light. Have hope